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"Carbon" cable future | Shanghai Electric releases new energy development strategy Release date:2022-07-18

"Carbon" cable future


In line with the national "double carbon" strategic goal, Shanghai Electric is accelerating the layout of a new green and low-carbon track in the process of energy structure transformation. On July 15, Shanghai Electric New Energy Development Co., Ltd. was announced to be established. At the same time, Shanghai Electric's new energy development strategy was officially released, new energy development projects were signed with five partners, and strategic cooperation in the financial ecosystem of the new energy industry was carried out with more than a dozen financial institutions and industrial cooperation institutions.

Achieving the goal of "double carbon" is a broad and profound change. Building a "zero carbon" society is the common value and pursuit of all mankind. As a world-class comprehensive high-end equipment manufacturing enterprise, Shanghai Electric is actively building an "all-round" new power system and an overall solution for a "three-dimensional" Zero Carbon Industrial Park, striving to be the leader in achieving the goal of "double carbon". On the basis of giving full play to its advantages of traditional equipment such as coal power, gas power, nuclear power, biomass and garbage power generation, Shanghai Electric vigorously develops emerging energy equipment such as wind power, solar energy, energy storage, hydrogen energy and smart grid, and promotes the optimal combination of traditional and emerging energy.

Traditional energy industry maintains leading edge


Guangzhou seventh resource Thermal Power Plant Phase II project

The 2021 benchmarking results of thermal power unit energy efficiency in the power industry released by the China Electricity Council show that Shanghai electric supply electromechanical equipment covers the AAAAA list of all 1000MW wet cooling units, accounting for 90% of the AAAA list. Shanghai Electric's first low calorific value ae94.2ks gas turbine in Benxi Iron and steel project has achieved a new breakthrough in the frontier technology of associated gas power generation in China's metallurgical field. The first 1300mw nuclear power generator has been successfully developed to match China's advanced megawatt pressurized water reactor nuclear power technology "hualong-1", and its comprehensive performance has reached the international advanced level. Shanghai Electric provides the world's highest comprehensive parameter waste incineration power generation project with host equipment - Guangzhou seventh resource Thermal Power Plant Phase II Project No. 3 high parameter unit, which provides an important case reference and benchmark for the development of waste incineration power generation in the direction of high parameter, high efficiency and large capacity.

New energy industry pays close attention to scientific and technological innovation

 Wind power sector 

Shanghai Electric has maintained the first market share of offshore wind power in China for seven consecutive years, and won the world with 4.1gw of new offshore wind power installed capacity in 2021. Work hard towards the established strategic goal of "first on the sea and first three on the land".


Shanghai Electric completed the hoisting of the first 11 MW Unit

 Solar energy field 

As the general contractor and main equipment supplier of the 950mw solar thermal photovoltaic composite project in Dubai, which is the largest and most advanced in the world, Shanghai Electric optimized and integrated the resources of more than 40 countries around the world, and is fully building the "the Belt and Road" demonstration project that can achieve 24-hour continuous and stable power generation 100% by relying on solar energy. Focusing on the manufacturing core links such as the production of advanced photovoltaic cells and components, Shanghai Electric has established an open cooperation alliance with advantageous enterprises in the industrial chain, combined with the group's existing basic advantages of Pan semiconductor intelligent manufacturing and the comprehensive market advantages of "photovoltaic +" integrated solutions, to promote the construction of the group's core value in the photovoltaic equipment industrial chain.

 Energy storage field 

Shanghai Electric will fully tap its advantages in the diversified equipment industry, thoroughly implement the national implementation plan for the development of new energy storage during the 14th five year plan, further condense and enhance the development strength of the group's energy storage industry, expand and enrich the application scenarios of various energy storage technologies, and work together to create energy storage system solutions with more customer value. Lithium battery and liquid flow specialized companies have been cultivated successively, and the industrialization has achieved rapid development. It has completed landmark projects in different application scenarios, including the first power grid side shared energy storage Qinghai Golmud project, Tibet light storage power side project, and Guangdong Yangxi fire storage FM project. The company has successfully completed the pre-A round of market-oriented financing and is rapidly advancing towards the development path of large-scale industries.


Shanghai Electric's first large-scale comprehensive energy project in Tibet

 Hydrogen energy field  

Shanghai Electric focuses on the breakthrough of key core equipment in the four links of "manufacturing, storage, processing and utilization", and contributes to breaking through the bottleneck of large-scale and low-cost development of hydrogen energy industry. Fully tap its integration advantages of "system design and core equipment" across the two major industries of power and chemical industry, actively promote the implementation of corresponding demonstration projects, promote the large-scale development of renewable energy utilization and raw material energy consumption, and explore an economically feasible implementation path for "deep carbon reduction" in the energy and industrial fields.

 Smart grid field  

Relying on its own advantages in power generation equipment, Shanghai Electric independently developed and manufactured a series of internationally leading condenser products, which are respectively applied to DC converter stations and distributed energy stations to effectively support the reactive power regulation and moment of inertia demand of the power grid. Self developed energy storage converter products and new energy station energy storage system solutions have successfully achieved 1MW energy storage system networking black start single 8mW full power offshore fan and 300kW energy storage system networking black start single 4MW doubly fed onshore fan and other project cases. With the industry-leading innovative application, this technology won the "2022 TOP10 energy storage technology innovation model" award of the technological innovation group of the sixth international energy storage innovation competition.

Next, as a traditional manufacturing enterprise, how to promote the transformation of energy structure and layout the new energy industry? Shanghai Electric will adhere to the concept of openness, innovation and win-win cooperation, work closely with the government to promote industrial quality and efficiency development, create more "zero carbon" application scenarios, and promote the construction of a "zero carbon" society; Work closely with capital to improve the efficiency of resource allocation and use, and actively build a benchmark example of green finance and industrial development; In depth cooperation with customers, driven by innovative technology, improve the competitiveness of integrated equipment and realize value creation.