Certification Services
API Q1 system certification

When applying for the certification of API Monogram products, the basic work of manufacturing enterprises is that their established quality management system must meet all the requirements of API specq1 "quality outline specification for petroleum, petrochemical and natural gas industry", and be actually operated and effectively maintained. Manufacturing enterprises apply for API certification for their products. If they are not within the scope of API Monogram products, they can directly apply for API Spec Q1 certification. If the enterprise has passed the ISO 9001 quality management system - Requirements certification before applying, the enterprise can fully incorporate the special requirements of apispec Q1 quality outline specification for petroleum, petrochemical and natural gas industry into the existing ISO 9001 system requirements in the specific operation of applying for API Monogram product certification, so as to upgrade the original quality management system and make the established and operated system fully meet the requirements of API Q1 system. If the enterprise does not have ISO 9001 quality management system - Requirements certification before applying, the enterprise can directly plan, establish and operate the quality management system of the enterprise in accordance with API Spec Q1 quality outline specification for petroleum, petrochemical and natural gas industry, and apply for API Spec Q1 quality outline specification for petroleum, petrochemical and natural gas industry certification.

The latest API Q1 system certification version is the ninth edition of API Q1. Compared with the eighth edition, this version has added many chapters, required program documents and records, which need to be paid attention to in the certification, as follows:

The eighth edition requires 21 program documents, while the ninth edition of API Q1 requires 28 program documents, that is, 7 new programs are added. In fact, 8 new programs are added and 1 reduced:

4.4.4 control procedures for use of external documents

5.3 risk assessment and management procedures

5.5.1 emergency planning procedure maintenance (field service) control procedure production and maintenance process confirmation procedure

5.7.8 preventive maintenance procedures of equipment

5.9 final product release procedure

6.2.1 customer satisfaction investigation procedure

The eighth edition requires 22 records, while the ninth edition of API Q1 requires 33 records, with 10 new records: personnel capability confirmation

5.3 risk management and action records

5.4.3 design output record outsourcing activity records regular evaluation records of warehouse

5.7.8 preventive maintenance records of equipment

5.9 final product release record

5.11 management change records

6.2.1 customer satisfaction survey records internal audit corrective action records