Certification Services
Cpr/cpd certification of building materials

What is CPR

General building cpd directive No.: 89/106/eec; Other basic requirements followed by each EU member state to ensure that the design and construction of buildings and civil engineering within its territory do not pose a threat to the safety of people, livestock (birds) and property, and to maintain general welfare; At the same time, it is not only related to the safety of buildings, but also related to health, service life, energy conservation, environmental protection, economic factors and other important factors in public interests.

CPR (replacement (EU) no 305/2011 – CPR) is a new construction product regulation issued by the European Union on March 9, 2011, which replaces the old construction product directive (89/106/eec – cpd), and informs that CPR will enter the mandatory implementation stage in July 2013.

The new CPR certification of building materials is also the unified performance evaluation method of the EU. In order to ensure the safety and reliability of the performance of building materials, the new regulations on the procedural requirements and technical language of building products entering the EU market will be more accurate, transparent and rigorous. The new regulations retain the core elements of CPD, while avoiding the differences between local regulations and the complexity and time-consuming of testing and certification. Compared with cpd regulations, CPR has made requirements for environmental sustainability information.

What is construction product

"Construction products" refers to any products permanently included in construction works, including buildings and civil works.

Examples of building products: fire detection and fire alarm systems, building hardware, ceramic tiles, building fiberglass, flooring, sanitary ware

CPR requirements for construction products

The product must be suitable for the construction project (the whole project and each independent part of the project) that meets its intended purpose, taking into account the economy. In this regard, the project must meet these requirements under the conditions of compliance with the regulations containing the following basic requirements. Under normal maintenance, these requirements must be met within an economical and reasonable service life. This requirement usually involves predictable actions.

Mechanical resistance and stability

The design and construction of construction projects must ensure that the loads they may bear during construction and use will not lead to the following accidents:

——The whole or part of the project collapses;

——The deformation is too serious to be allowed;

——The bearing structure is seriously deformed, causing damage to other parts of the project or devices or installed equipment;

——The damage caused by the accident is not commensurate with the original intention.

Safety in case of fire

The design and construction of building works must be in case of fire:

——Maintain the bearing capacity of the structure for a specific period of time;

——The generation and spread of fire and smoke within the scope of the project are limited;

——The spread of fire to adjacent construction projects is limited;

——Enable personnel to escape the project or be rescued in other ways;

——The safety of rescue workers should be taken into consideration.

Hygiene, health and the environment

The design and construction of the construction project must ensure that it does not pose a threat to the health and safety of the personnel within the scope of the project or the neighborhood, especially the following situations cannot occur:

——Release toxic gases;

——Harmful particles or gases in the air;

——Release harmful radiation;

——Pollution and poisoning of soil or water;

——Improper removal of waste water, smoke, waste or liquid waste;

——Moisture occurs in all parts of the project or its internal surface.

Safety and accessibility in use

The design and construction of construction works shall not cause unacceptable accident hazards such as sliding, falling, collision, burn, electric shock, explosion injury, etc. during operation or use.

Protection against noise

The design and construction of construction projects must ensure that the noise perceived by the personnel within the scope of the project and the nearby residents is controlled at a low level, so that their health is not threatened and they can sleep, rest and work in a satisfactory environment.

Energy economy and heat preservation

According to the local climatic conditions and personnel conditions, the construction project and its heating, cooling and ventilation devices must use as little energy as possible in design and construction.

Sustainable use of natural resources

The utilization of natural resources is more reasonable and meets the requirements of sustainable development.

Main differences between CPR regulations and CPD directives

Many new definitions

Under the set conditions, the CE mark becomes a mandatory requirement

Importers and distributors need to bear the same responsibility

Etag and eta (license) will be replaced by ead and eta (evaluation) respectively

Responsibility of technical evaluation agencies (tabs)

Responsibilities of authorized institutions

Additional responsibilities of notified bodies (NBS)

Authorization procedures of the notified body

Simplified procedures for obtaining the CE mark

Market supervision and protective measures procedure