Certification Services
SABS certification in South Africa

South African Bureau of standards (SABS)



The South African National Bureau of standards is a national statutory body, which was established in accordance with the national standards act of 1945 (No. 24, 1945) and amended by the latest edition of 2008 (No. 29, 2008); It is a national institution that maintains relevant standards and quality systems for the promotion of goods and the provision of labor services.

1、 Terms of reference

1. SABS can publish national standards prepared by the technical committee and finally reach a consensus, and provide information on national standards of all countries, as well as international standards.

2. SABS can test and certify products according to national standards.

3. SABS can develop technical regulations (mandatory standards) according to national standards and supervise the implementation of these technical regulations.

4. SABS supervises the implementation of measurement regulations.

5. SABS can promote the improvement of product design.

6. SABS can provide standard training.

2、 At present, SABS can carry out certification projects involving seven industries.

1. Chemical Group:

It mainly includes: petrochemical industry, industrial chemical industry, rubber and plastic industry, paint, sealant and coating industry.

Service content:

a. System certification review

L ISO 9001 - quality management system certification

L ISO 14001 ------ environmental management system certification

L OHSAS 18001 ------ occupational health and safety management system certification

b. Product certification

² SABS logo ----- passed the performance test of relevant national standards

This group of chemical products must pass the test and verification of various laboratories designated by SABS

2. Electronic Technology Group

This group mainly provides conformity assessment services for electronic technology and explosion-proof industry.

Service content:

a. System certification review

L ISO 9001 - quality management system certification

L ISO 14001 ------ environmental management system certification

L OHSAS 18001 ------ occupational health and safety management system certification

b. Product certification

² SABS logo ----- passed the performance test of relevant national standards

² Safety signs -------- pass the relevant national safety performance standard test

c. The certification of communication products must be recognized by ICASA (International Association for credit evaluation and supervision)

d. Certified products must comply with ieccb system certification (the first real international system for mutual recognition of electrical product safety test reports)

This group of products must pass the relevant national and international standard tests in the laboratory designated by SABS.

3. Food hygiene group

This group mainly provides conformity assessment services for the food industry, agricultural chemical industry, pharmaceutical and medical device industries / departments.

a. System certification review

L ISO 9001 - quality management system certification

L ISO 14001 ------ environmental management system certification

L OHSAS 18001 ------ occupational health and safety management system certification

L ISO 22000 - food safety management system

L HACCP (sans 10330) -- hazard analysis and critical control points

L BRC Global Standard ----- British retailer alliance system certification

b. Product certification

² SABS logo ----- passed the performance test of relevant national standards

This group of products must pass the relevant national and international standard tests in the laboratory designated by SABS.

4. Machinery and materials group

The group provides machinery and metallurgical industry, construction industry, civil engineering industry, wood and forest industry, paper and packaging

Conformity assessment services for industry, clothing and textile industry.

a. System certification review

L ISO 9001 - quality management system certification

L ISO 14001 ------ environmental management system certification

L OHSAS 18001 ------ occupational health and safety management system certification

L fsc/coc ----- chain of custody certification for production and marketing

b. Product certification

² SABS logo ----- passed the performance test of relevant national standards

² Jaswic ----- joint acceptance plan for water installation components

c. Entrusted inspection

N commissioned inspection and testing (e.g. leather, textiles, footwear...)

This group of products must pass the relevant national and international standard tests in the laboratory designated by SABS.

5. Mining and mineral group

The group provides high-quality, efficient and professional testing laboratories to test various samples.

L mechanical and manual sampling

L agreement and management of sampling and sample preparation

L determine samples and related testing matters

L design sampling device and sample preparation device

L sampling and analysis of product and equipment control

L research and development of samples

L on site management and operation of the laboratory

L entrusted management and routine inspection

6. Service industry group

This group provides industrial services. For example, government departments, field effect management colleges, financial services, medical aid management, car rental, cleaning services, information technology, engineering consulting and warehousing, and so on.

L ISO 9001 - quality management system certification

L ISO 14001 ------ environmental management system certification

L OHSAS 18001 ------ occupational health and safety management system certification

L ISO 20000 - information technology management system certification

L ISO 27001 ------ information security management system certification

7. Transportation Group

This group provides conformity assessment for service transportation industry, automobile industry, decoration center and bus company, etc.

L ISO 9001 - quality management system certification

L ISO 14001 ------ environmental management system certification

L OHSAS 18001 ------ occupational health and safety management system certification

L Sans 10399 ----- bus company quality management system certification

L sans 10240 - automatic glass equipment certification program

This group of products must be tested and verified by SABS designated laboratory.

3、 Conditions for obtaining certification

1. The product must belong to the above seven groups

2. The product must pass the complete test according to the relevant standards

3. The applicant must pass the standard certification of quality management system ISO 9000 series

4. The right to use SABS can be obtained only after the product and management system meet the requirements

5. Renew the annual fee every year, conduct annual inspection of products, and issue relevant test reports for filing

6. Evaluate the quality system every two years and issue relevant reports

7. Samples must be sent again every three years