Certification Services
Customs union cu-tr certification

What is the customs union cu-tr certification

Customs union, Russian Таможенный союз (TC) according to the agreement "common norms and rules on technical specifications of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Republic of Belarus and the Russian Federation" signed by Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan on October 18, 2010, the Customs Union Commission is committed to developing unified standards and requirements to ensure the safety of products. A kind of certification is common among the three countries, thus forming the cu-tr certification of the Russian Belarus Kazakhstan customs union. The unified mark is EAC.

Why do you need Customs Union certification

Cu-tr certification is to prove that the products, work (process) or services meet the established requirements through third-party documents, and that the production behavior results, products and services meet the normative requirements. Therefore, certification is a major way to ensure that products meet the requirements of normative documents in a market economy. The emergence of the concept of "certificate of conformity" and its supplement of modern significance are closely related to the increasingly sharp problems of product and service quality, the globalization of international trade, the great differentiation of products with the same function and purpose, the fierce competition among manufacturers and ensuring the safety of products used by users.

The customs union cu-tr certification is the only proof that the product complies with the technical regulations of the customs union. It will replace the original gost certification. It is the passport that the manufacturer opens and enters the markets of CIS countries such as Russia. Importers will attach great importance to products with cu-tr certification, and naturally give priority.

Validity of customs union certificate

Validity period of customs union cu-tr certificate: single batch certificate 1-year period 3-year period 5-year period

The transition date of the old gost certification certificate: the certification certificate obtained before September 2, 2011 can continue to be used until the end of the validity period of the certificate. The gost certificate obtained from September 2, 2011 to February 15, 2013 is valid until March 15, 2015 at the latest.

What are the regulations and directives of the Customs Union for cu-tr certification?

2012/2/15TP TC 006/2011《关于烟花爆竹产品的安全性指令》
2012/6/1TP TC 019/2011《关于个人防护用品的安全性指令》
2012/7/1TP TC 005/2011《关于包装的安全性指令》
2012/7/1TP TC 007/2011《关于青少儿用品的安全性指令》
2012/7/1TP TC 008/2011《关于玩具产品的安全性指令》
2012/7/1TP TC 009/2011《关于美容化妆品的安全性指令》
2012/7/1TP TC 017/2011《关于轻工业品的安全性指令》
2012/7/1TP TC 019/2011《关于汽车和航空用燃料和重油的安全性指令》
2013/2/15TP TC 004/2011《关于低电压设备的安全性指令》
2013/2/15TP TC 010/2011《关于机械设备的安全性指令》
2013/2/15TP TC 011/2011《关于电梯设备的安全性指令》
2013/2/15TP TC 012/2011《关于潜在爆炸环境中工作设备的安全性指令》
2013/2/15TP TC 016/2011《关于使用气体燃料设备的安全性指令》
2013/2/15TP TC 020/2011《关于技术产品电磁兼容性指令》
2013/7/1TP TC 015/2011《关于粮食的安全性指令》
2013/7/1TP TC 021/2011《关于食品的安全性指令》
2013/7/1TP TC 022/2011《关于食品及其标签的安全性指令》
2013/7/1TP TC 023/2011《关于果蔬汁产品的安全性指令》
2013/7/1TP TC 024/2011《关于油脂产品的安全性指令》
2013/7/1TP TC 027/2011《关于专门食品的安全性指令》
2013/7/1TP TC 029/2011《食品添加剂、香料和加工辅助剂的安全性指令》
2014/2/1TP TC 026/2011《关于小型船舶的安全性指令》
2014/2/1TP TC 032/2011《关于压力设备的安全性指令》
2014/3/1TP TC 030/2011《关于润滑材料、润滑油和特殊液体的安全性指令》
2014/5/1TP TC 033/2011《关于奶及奶制品的安全性指令》
2014/5/1TP TC 033/2011《关于奶及奶制品的安全性指令》
2014/7/1TP TC 025/2011《关于家居产品的安全性指令》
2014/7/1TP TC 028/2011《关于炸药和相关产品的安全性指令》
2014/8/2TP TC 001/2011《关于铁路机车车辆的安全性指令》
2014/8/2TP TC 002/2011《关于高铁运输安全的安全性指令》
2014/8/2TP TC 003/2011《关于铁路运输地面设施的安全性指令》
2015/1/1TP TC 018/2011《关于轮式车辆的安全性指令》
2015/2/15TP TC 014/2011《关于机动车道的安全性指令》
2015/2/15TP TC 031/2011《关于农林业用拖拉机及拖车的安全性指令》