Certification Services
Brazilian Anatel certification

Brazilian Anatel certification is the certification for telecommunication products. Anatel certification is divided into compulsory and voluntary certification. Its approval procedure is the same for products in Brazil and abroad. If the product needs compulsory certification, the test results and reports of the product must be consistent with the rules and regulations adopted by Anatel. Before the product is put into use, it needs to obtain the authorization certificate issued by Anatel.

Compulsory certification scope

The following three types of telecommunication equipment require compulsory certification:

Type I

·Terminal equipment connected to the fixed switching telephone service (FSTS) network through the endpoint;

·Equipment connecting private telecommunication network to FSTS network;

·Equipment connected with FSTS network for the purpose of providing value-added services.

Type II

·Any equipment using radio not covered by type I, such as low-voltage devices, unauthorized equipment and antennas.

Type III

·Any equipment not covered by type I or II that is subject to the rules and regulations of Anatel.

Certification requirements

·All products in the list published by Anatel need certification;

·The certificate / authorization holder (importer, manufacturer) must be confirmed by Brazilian law;

·Type I certificates are valid before cancellation, and the other two types of certificates are valid for two years;

·The instruction manual, installation instructions and warning signs must be in Portuguese. Other documents can be in English;

·The product must have a signboard containing the following information: Anatel mark certification number (bar code); Manufacturer's name; Year of manufacture; model; Serial number; Registration number of the distributor.