Certification Services
Tped certification of mobile pressure equipment

2010/35/eu mobile pressure equipment

Mobile pressure equipment sold in the EU market shall obtain CE mark in accordance with the requirements of the EU mobile Pressure Equipment Directive (tped). The mobile Pressure Equipment Directive (2010/35/eu) replaces the original member states' respective access systems with a unified certification scheme, and puts forward requirements for the design, manufacture and conformity assessment of mobile pressure equipment, which is applicable to all EU Member States.

The European Union mobile Pressure Equipment Directive (tped) is applicable to all kinds of mobile pressure equipment manufacturing enterprises, including steel cylinders, LPG cylinders, road and railway tank cars, mobile pressure equipment valves, safety valves, etc.

1. Movable pressure equipment refers to

a. All pressure vessels specified in Chapter 6.2 of the annex to directive 2008/68/ec, including, where appropriate, valves and other accessories of such equipment;

b. Tanks, battery cars, multi component gas tanks (MEGCs) specified in Chapter 6.8 of the annex to directive 2008/68/ec, including valves and other accessories of such equipment where appropriate;

When the equipment specified in a or B is used to transport class 2 gases, excluding gases or substances with characteristics of 6 and 7 in the classification specifications, and dangerous substances of other grades specified in Annex I of this directive;

Portable pressure equipment shall be understood as: including gas cylinders (UN no 2037), excluding spray (UN no 1950), open cryogenic containers, gas cylinders for breathing devices, fire extinguishers (UN no 1044), portable pressure equipment exempted according to annex of directive 2008/68/ec, and portable pressure equipment that does not have to comply with the special provisions on construction and packaging testing in Annex 3.3 of directive 2008/68/ec;

2. Manufacturer's obligations

a. Before the mobile pressure equipment is sold on the market, the manufacturer shall ensure that the equipment is designed, manufactured and documented in accordance with the requirements of directive 2008/68/ec and this directive.

b. When the movable pressure bearing equipment is proved to meet the use requirements through the conformity assessment process carried out in accordance with directive 2008/68/ec and this directive, the manufacturer shall affix PI identification to the equipment in accordance with Article 15 of this directive.

c. The manufacturer shall specify a period for keeping the technical documents on removable pressure equipment specified in directive 2008/68/ec.

d. When appropriate, when manufacturers believe or have reason to believe that the portable pressure equipment they sell to the market is not in conformity with the directive 2008/68/ec or this directive, they should immediately take necessary measures to make their equipment comply with the requirements, or withdraw or recall. In addition, when there is a risk of movable pressure equipment, the manufacturer shall immediately inform the national authorities of qualified member states of the detailed impact, especially the nonconformities and measures taken.

e. The manufacturer shall record all nonconformities and corrective measures.

f. At the reasonable request of the competent national authority, the manufacturer shall provide him with all information and documents about the product expressed in a language easy for the authority to understand, so as to prove the compliance of the removable pressure equipment. The manufacturer shall cooperate with the authorities and their requirements on the measures taken by the manufacturer to eliminate the risks of the movable pressure equipment sold to the market.

g. The manufacturer only provides product information to users in accordance with the requirements of directive 2008/68/ec and this directive.

3. Conformity assessment

a. Ensure that the movable pressure bearing equipment produced and in service before the implementation of directive 1999/36/ec in accordance with point (c) of paragraph (2) of Article 1 complies with the annex of directive 2008/68/ec and the relevant provisions of this directive, or the conformity measures during reassessment shall be in accordance with this Annex.

b. * or the operator must provide information to the notified body notified to reassess compliance and comply with en iso/iec 17020: 2004 type A to enable it to accurately identify (ideas, design rules, details of porous materials for acetylene cylinders) removable pressure equipment. Where appropriate, this information should include: any specified use restrictions, any possible damage descriptions or repairs that have been carried out.

c. The class a notified body that has been released for conformity reassessment shall assess whether the safety level of movable pressure equipment can at least meet the requirements in the annex to directive 2008/68/ec. The evaluation shall be based on the information referred to in the second paragraph, including further testing, as appropriate.

d. If the evaluation in the third paragraph receives satisfactory results, the movable pressure bearing equipment shall be subject to the periodic inspection in the annex to directive 2008/68/ec. If the periodic inspection meets the requirements, the PI mark can be used or supervised by the notified body responsible for periodic inspection in accordance with Article 14 (1) to (5). PI identification shall be used together with the identification number of the notified body responsible for periodic inspection. The notified body responsible for the periodic inspection shall issue a reassessment Certificate in accordance with paragraph 6.

e. When a series of portable pressure equipment is produced, the member states can entrust the reassessment of the conformity of individual pressure vessels used for transportation, including valves and other accessories, to the notified body that is published to conduct periodic inspection of relevant portable pressure vessels. The precondition is that the type conforms to the assessment of the class a notified body that has been responsible for the conformity reassessment according to the third paragraph, and the type reassessment certificate is issued. PI identification shall be used together with the identification number of the notified body responsible for periodic inspection.

f. In any case, the reassessment certificate issued by the notified body responsible for periodic inspection shall at least include:

f. 1. Identification of the notified body issuing the certificate. If the identification number of the type a notified body responsible for the reassessment of compliance in paragraph 3 is different from this, the identification number of the institution shall be added;

f. 2 the name and address of * or the operator mentioned in the second paragraph;

f. 3 in the case of using the procedure of the fifth paragraph, identify the data of the type re evaluation certificate;

f. 4. The identification data of movable pressure bearing equipment that has been identified with PI shall at least include serial number or number;

f. 5 date of issue.

g. Issuance of type re evaluation certificate

When the class a notified body responsible for conformity reassessment uses the procedure in paragraph 5, the type reassessment certificate issued shall at least include:

g. 1. Identification of the issuing authority;

g. 2. The name and address of the manufacturer, and the holder of type approved components after reassessment of movable pressure equipment when it is different from the manufacturer;

g. 3. Identification data belonging to a series of movable pressure equipment;

g. 4. Date of certificate issuance;

g. 5 words: "this certificate does not authorize the manufacture of movable pressure equipment and its components".

h. Through PI identification, * or the operator indicates that he is responsible for the compliance of the removable pressure equipment with all the use requirements of the annex of directive 2008/68/ec and this Directive (applicable at the time of reassessment).

i. Where appropriate, the provisions of paragraph (2) of Annex II shall be taken into account and a 'cold sign' shall be affixed.

4. Basic principles of PI identification

4.1pi identification shall be affixed only by the manufacturer, or according to the requirements of Annex III after conformity reassessment. For cylinders that previously comply with directives 84/525/eec, 84/526/eec or 84/527/eec, the pasting of PI marks shall be carried out by or under the supervision of the notified body.

4.2 only movable pressure equipment meeting the following requirements can be pasted with PI identification:

a. Meet the requirements of the annex to directive 2008/68/ec and the conformity assessment of this directive, or

b. Meet the conformity reassessment requirements according to Article 13.

Other movable pressure equipment cannot be pasted with such signs.

4.3 through the pasted or pasted PI mark, the manufacturer indicates that it is responsible for the movable pressure equipment to meet the requirements of the annex of directive 2008/68/ec and the use of this directive.

4.4 The purpose of this directive is to explain that Pi is a mark to prove that removable pressure equipment meets the requirements of the annex of directive 2008/68/ec and the use of this directive.

4.5 removable safety parts that can be refilled with removable pressure equipment shall be marked with PI.

4.6pi identification shall be formed in the following forms:

a. The low height of PI shall be 5mm. For movable pressure equipment with a diameter of no more than 140mm, the small height of PI mark shall be 2.5mm;

b. The lattice itself is not part of the PI logo.