Certification Services
Brazil NRS

Brazilian regulatory standards, also known as NRs, regulate and provide guidance on mandatory procedures related to occupational safety and health.

As more and more construction machinery, production and processing equipment and other mechanical equipment made in China are exported to Brazil, Chinese manufacturers are increasingly concerned about the Brazilian safety regulation nr-12 on mechanical equipment in the workplace. In order to regulate the requirements for Brazilian domestic employers and protect the legitimate rights and interests of workers, the Brazilian Ministry of labor and employment has issued 37 workplace related regulations (regulatory norms), referred to as NRs, of which nr-12 is a safety regulation specifically for mechanical equipment in workplaces. The first edition of nr-12 was issued and implemented in June 1978. After several updates and improvements, the current valid edition of nr-12 was issued and implemented in April 2016. The latest version of nr-13 was revised in September 2017 and officially implemented on June 18, 2018.


List of Brazilian regulatory standards:

NR1 general

NR2 pre inspection NR3 embargo and prohibition

Nr4 occupational health and safety professional service (sesmt)

NR5 internal Accident Prevention Committee (CIPA)

NR6 personal protective equipment

NR6 Annex I - list of personal protective equipment

NR7 occupational health examination plan pcmso

Nr8 building

Nr9 environmental risk prevention plan PPRA

Nr9 Annex I vibration accessories

Nr10 safety of electrical installation and service

Nr10 Annex I - risk and control areas

Nr10 Annex II - training

Nr11 transportation, storage and handling of materials

Nr11 Annex I - Technical Specification for transportation, storage and treatment procedures of marble, granite and other rock blocks

Nr12 safety of machinery and working equipment

Nr12 Annex I - Safety distances and requirements for using light detection

Nr12 Annex II - contents of training plan

Nr12 Annex III - Permanent means of access

Nr12 Annex IV - Glossary

Nr12 Annex V - chain saw

Nr12 Annex VI - bread and candy machine

Nr12 Annex VII - grocery and slaughtering machines

Nr12 annex VIII - pressure equipment

Nr12 annex IX - injection molding machine

Nr12 annex X - shoe making machine

Nr12 annex Xi - agricultural and forestry machinery

Nr12 annex XII - lifts and aerial work platforms

Nr13 boiler and pressure vessel

Nr13 Annex I - personnel training

Nr13 Annex II - self service equipment inspection and certification requirements

Nr14 furnace

Nr15 unhealthy activities and operations

Nr15 Annex I - Limits for continuous or intermittent noise

Nr15 Annex II - impact noise limits

Nr15 Annex III - thermal exposure limits

Nr15 Annex V - ionizing radiation

Nr15 Annex VI - operation under high pressure

Nr15 Annex VII - non ionizing radiation

Nr15 annex VIII - Vibration Environment

Nr15 annex IX - low temperature environment

Nr15 annex X - humidity environment

Nr15 annex Xi - detection limits for chemical reagents and workplaces

Nr15 annex XII - mineral dust limits

Nr15 annex XIII - chemical reagents

Nr15 annex XIV - biological agents

Nr16 hazardous activities and operations

Nr16 Annex I - hazardous activities and operations involving explosives

Nr16 Annex II - hazardous activities and operations involving ionizing radiation or substances

Nr16 Annex III - dangerous activities and actions subject to theft or other types of physical violence in personal property safety professional activities

Nr16 Annex IV - Electrical hazardous activities and operations

Nr16 Annex V - hazardous activities of motorcycles

Nr16 Annex VI - hazardous activities and operations with ionizing radiation or substances

Nr17 Ergonomics

Nr17 Annex I - work of computing operators

Nr17 Annex II - telemarketing work

Nr18 construction industry working conditions and environment

Nr19 explosives

Nr20 flammable and explosive liquid

Nr21 outdoor work

NR22 mining occupational health and safety

Nr23 fire fighting

Nr24 sanitary and comfortable conditions in the workplace

Nr25 industrial waste

Nr26 safety warning signs

Nr28 health and safety of Wharf

Nr30 health and safety of water transportation

Nr31 health and safety in agriculture, animal husbandry, animal husbandry, forestry and aquaculture

Nr32 health and safety in health service work

Nr33 confined space work

Nr34 working conditions and environment of naval building maintenance industry

Nr35 highland work

Nr36 health and safety in slaughterhouses and meat processing and derivatives work

Excerpt from Brazilian nr12 standard

Nr12 - Safety of machinery and work equipment

Revised on April 29th, 2016

general principles

12.1 this regulatory standard (nr12) and its annexes provide technical references, basic principles and protective measures to ensure workers' health and physical health, and stipulate the minimum requirements for the prevention of occupational diseases and accidents in the design stage and the use of mechanical equipment, as well as no defects in all economic activities, including its manufacturing, import, trade, exhibition and operation, It shall not violate all regulations, technical standards and applicable international standards approved by government Decree No. 3214 of June 8th, 1978.

12.1.1 the use stage in this standard includes the transportation, assembly, installation, operation, cleaning, maintenance, overhaul, scrapping and removal of machines and equipment. (amended by regulation No. 857 of June 25th, 2015)

12.2 in addition to specific specified items, this standard covers new equipment and old equipment.

Excerpt from Brazilian nr13 standard

Nr13 - boilers and pressure vessels

13.1.1 this regulatory standard (nr13) stipulates the minimum requirements for the structural integrity of steam boilers, pressure vessels and their connecting pipes in terms of installation, inspection, operation and maintenance, and regulates the health and safety of operating workers.

13.1.2 the employer is responsible for taking specific measures in this nr13

13.2 scope

13.2.1 this NR standard is applicable to the following equipment:

a) All equipment classified as boilers in accordance with Clause;

b) For pressure vessels with PV > 8, where p is the maximum operating pressure in kPa and V is the internal volume in m3;

c) Pressure vessels containing class a liquid as specified in item "a" of 13.51.2 have nothing to do with size and PV;

d) Mobile containers for liquids with PV > 8 or class A as specified in item "a" of article;

e) Item "a" of geju, pipes or piping systems linked to boilers or pressure vessels, which contain class A or class B liquids.

13.2.2 the following equipment shall be submitted to international or national standards and relevant specifications for inspection, and shall be exempted from other requirements in nr13:

a) Transportable containers, pressure containers for transporting products, portable containers for compressed liquids and fire extinguishers; b) Pressure vessels occupied by personnel; c) Pressure vessels as part of liquid rotating machines or substitutes;

d) Catheter;

e) Furnaces and coils for heat exchange;

f) Tanks and storage containers and liquids not included in the design codes and standards related to pressure vessels;

g) According to item "a" of, pressure vessels with a diameter less than 150mm that store class b/c/d liquids; h) Heat exchanger with gasket corrugated plate;

i) The steam generator is not included in the pressure vessel specification;

j) Pipes of instrument system with nominal diameter ≤ 12.7mm;

k) Public pipeline system for natural gas and water treatment and rainwater and sewage collection;

In terms of NR standard, pressure vessels are classified according to fluid grade and potential risk:

The fluids in pressure vessels are classified as follows:

Class A:

Still liquid;

Flammable liquid with temperature greater than or equal to 200 ℃; Toxic liquid with allowable limit equal to or less than 20ppm;



Class B:

Flammable liquid with temperature lower than 200 ℃;

Toxic liquid with allowable limit greater than 200ppm; Class C other liquids not mentioned above

If the mixture involves toxicity, flammability and concentration, consider the classification of liquids that pose a great danger to workers and facilities.

Pressure vessels are classified into PV according to potential risks, where p is the maximum operating pressure (MPA) and V is the volume (M3), as shown below:

Group 1 – P × V≥100

Group 2 – 100>P × V≥30

Group 3 – 30>P × V≥2.5

Group 4 – 2.5>P × V≥1

Group 5 - P × V<1