Photovoltaic module test

Solar photovoltaic module

Test and certify photovoltaic modules for you

High quality photovoltaic modules should meet a series of requirements. First, even under extreme conditions, the component must be able to transmit the marked rated power. At the same time, these components must have safety and durability to ensure the long-term high output of the system. In addition, in the shortest possible time, components should be able to generate enough energy for their production. More importantly, they are commercially viable. Test service, you can fully certify the quality of your photovoltaic modules. In our testing laboratory, we conduct comprehensive tests on these components according to domestic and international standards.


♦ Through the photovoltaic module testing and certification services we provide for you, you can

♦ Benefit from our rich experience in photovoltaic field for more than 10 years

♦ Through our testing laboratory, we can provide you with fast and first-class services all over the world

♦ Get a globally recognized partner

Obtain the TUV quality mark to prove that your PV module has passed the domestic and international test standards, and ensure that your product has high quality, safety and reliability

Photovoltaic inverter and photovoltaic electronic and electrical

One stop localized certification service, marketing worldwide

Photovoltaic inverter and related photovoltaic electronic and electrical products are the core components of photovoltaic power generation system and the key to ensure the long-life and stable operation of photovoltaic system. In order to achieve safety, efficiency, reliability and strong applicability, your product must meet the requirements of relevant regulations and standards. Through the one-stop service of sice, you can obtain TUV inspection certification, which can comprehensively improve the quality of photovoltaic inverter and achieve global market access.


Our one-stop service can benefit you:

♦ Help you improve product quality to meet the requirements of the target market

♦ Our certification is well-known and widely accepted all over the world, so that your products can quickly enter the global market

♦ Our certification logo helps you win the favor of buyers

Solar photovoltaic components

Success with solar energy technology certification

To successfully occupy the photovoltaic market, the safety, quality, durability and reliability of all your photovoltaic modules and power converters must meet the standards. We can review and issue certificates for your photovoltaic components and inverter products based on relevant international specifications, guidelines and quality requirements (such as IEC 61730, IEC 61646, IEC 61215, en 50521, en 50548), as well as national standards


Our internationally recognized audit services can help you

♦ Increase competitive advantage with our neutral recognition logo

♦ Reduce the risk of liability with the written proof we provide for your safety standards

♦ Benefit from our rich experience in rapid and effective audit

♦ Through the certification report and certificate, you can prove that you have met the relevant legal requirements for implementation

Solar power station

Industrial solar energy production

Provide one-stop services for companies investing in and operating grid connected photovoltaic power generation (PV) systems and solar thermal power stations. We can help you ensure the safety and reliability of the power station according to your project progress. In addition, for large-scale photovoltaic systems and solar thermal power stations, we can provide strong backing for your stable income from reasonable site selection to comprehensive operation.


Through our support and certification of your solar power station project, you can

As an operator, contractor and investor, ensure the high quality of your power station, and ensure that it complies with various standards and specifications

Realize stable return on investment through risk minimization and necessary bank discounting

From on-site evaluation to full operation, you are a reliable partner in all stages of your project